Spread and re-spread of Covid19 led diverse changes in the business environment recently. While offline conference and meeting that have traditionally held are decreased, video teleconference in an online non-fact-to-face environment is being invigorated.
Normal paradigm is changed to home working, distance learning and untact business quickly, and it promotes growth of network environmental technology which is symbolized as 5G and diverse digital device.
AIBS (Algo Innovation Broadcasting System), presented by PION-TECH, is drawing attention from industry because it acts as an innovative communication center beyond general broadcasting system.
AIBS, which offers new communication methods in an ontact environment beyond the untact, is an innovative system that allows various face-to-face activities, including live broadcasting, expanded video conference solutions and non-face-to-face multi-conventions, to be carried out in a non-face-to-face online environment.
Tae-Gon Kim, CEO of PION-TECH, said that “We will cope actively with new changing environment, and expand domestic and international communication channel. Contract of 10 million TAKABATHs with China in July this year was available because we have a communication solution based on this innovative system.” And he is confident that he will be able to handle with diverse environment in the future.
AIBS (Algo Innovation Broadcasting System) is established at Osong headquarter in order to build platform which is innovative, distinctive and strong communication. It is officially launched in July 2020. It is expected for future movement.